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IEEA글로벌캠퍼스 - 국내 PEAP 과정

국내 PEAP 과정 개요

  • 영어의 4가지 영역(Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking)을 통해 미국대학 학위과정 이수에 반드시 필요한 Note-taking 방법, Term Paper 작성법, Essay Writing, Critical Thinking, Discussion, Presentation, Paraphrasing, Plagiarism Workshop, Report 작성법(APA/MLA style) 등 Academic English Skills을 준비하는 과정
  • Level 1 ~ Level 7 으로 구성
  • Placement Test를 통해 수강 레벨을 정함

  • 교육 과정 (예시)
교육과정 교육목표
Level1 • Understanding the fundamentalsof English
• Learning thebasics ofEnglish in an effective and systematic manner
• Building self-esteem and being familiarwith English
Level2 • in-depth traching method accrding to learner's ability
• Acknowledging the know-how of self-studying skills
Level3 • Being adjusted to an academic college level English-Learning environment
• College-Prep level studies in all areas
• Enhancing skills on communication and presentations
Level4 • using textbooks and additional materials to practice listening and speaking
• Developing advanced English skills to continue studies at a higher level
Level5 • Reading advanced level materials
• Overrall review in grammar
• Practicing speaking through different types of presentations
• Writing essays of various types
Level6 • Being adjusted to an academic college level English-Learning environment
• College-Prep level studies in all areas
• Enhancing skills on communication and presentations
Level7 • College-Prep level studiesin all areas
• Practice writing research papers and developing research abilities
• Academic English learning by combining all four areasof language arts

  • 교육 일정 (예시)

  • 구분
    상반기(20주) 하반기(20주)
    3월 ~ 7월 8월 ~ 12월
    5주 5주 5주 5주 5주 5주 5주 5주 미국대학 수업에 필요한 아카데믹 영어 스킬 준비
    L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
    L3 L4 L5 L6 L4 L5 L6 L7
    L4 L5 L6 L7 L1 L2

    * 상기 일정 및 내용은 교육기관의 사정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.